Air Force Reserve Officer Training Core (AFROTC) started in Milwaukee with a “cross-town” agreement between AFROTC Detachment (Det) 925, Madison WI and the Milwaukee School of Engineering. This agreement was signed in the mid-1980s. The AFROTC staff from Madison drove to Milwaukee once or more a week for classes and/or administrative functions. Subsequently, an agreement was also signed with Marquette University allowing their students to travel to Milwaukee School Of Engineering (MSOE) for their AFROTC classes.
Prior to the 1994/95 academic year, Col Mike Archer, AFROTC Det 925 Commander (CC), moved the Milwaukee operations to Marquette University. The Marquette cadet population had outgrown MSOE and Marquette offered better facilities and other support to have the detachment move to their campus. Col Archer asked for volunteers on the Madison staff who would move to Milwaukee to support Milwaukee operations and two captains agreed to move. During this time frame, several other cross-town agreements were signed including University of Wisconsin-Milwuakee (UWM), Carthage and Alverno. The Milwaukee cadets were not receiving enough cadre interaction and the arrangement placed a large burden on the Madison cadre. As a result, Col Archer lobbied to create a new detachment at Marquette with the AFROTC Northwest Region CC and Head Quarters AFROTC.
During the spring of 1995, Brig. Gen. Susan Pamerleau, AFROTC Commandant, visited Detachment 925. This visit convinced Gen Pamerleau to open a new unit as an operating location under Det 925, thus Det 925A was created. The Det 925 Cadre continued to provide support to the cadets and training to the new cadre while the new detachment got up and running.
At the beginning of the 1995/1996 academic year, Det 925A had approximately 95 cadets. The Marquette and MSOE AFROTC scholarship subsidies had attracted many new students. The freshman class had approximately 50 cadets and most were scholarship cadets. With this number of students the Det was authorized a bigger staff.
During the spring of 1996/summer 1997, Carroll College signed a cross-town agreement.
After our first year of providing uniforms to the cadets, we realized a commutation program would not only allow us to provide better service to the cadets but would also provide us with a university secretary/commutation person who could provide continuity to the program. We convinced Marquette to sign a commutation agreement with the HQ AFROTC and we hired a secretary and started the commutation program in the fall of 1996. In 1998 Det 925A would become Det 930.
In 2001, Det 930 had Marquette University and 6 crosstown schools: Alverno, UWM, MSOE, Mt Mary, Carthage and Carroll. Since then, we have added UW-Parkside, Upper Iowa, Concordia, MATC, WCTC, UW-Waukesha, and Wisconsin Lutheran.